Lucia Masu

Laureate of the Malévoz Quartier Culturel residency


2021, one single HD video (16'10'')

Brainstorm is the stratified fragment of a micro-digging aiming to widen the perception of subjectivity towards the idea of an eco-socio-bio-graphy.
Starting from the collective family experience of mental illness, the reflection is addressed to the process of rationalization and understanding operated by sectioning the study object. The fragmented object risks to be perceived outside its system of relations, inflicting a feeling of disjunction.
However, the repair of the decomposed "ruin" might become the utopian place in which past and future converge and establish a dialogue.
Water, considered as an archive of memory, is the unifying and inclusive element that relates the pieces and, at the same time, evokes the human/non-human genealogy to which we belong.

Lucia Masu, Brainstorm, 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Lucia Masu, Brainstorm, 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Lucia Masu, Brainstorm, 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Lucia Masu, Brainstorm, 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA