

Bachelor in Fine Arts

Marie-José Auderset

Co-director of Microplume sàrl, designer and project manager, Lausanne

Joan Ayrton

Artist and researcher, professor at Villa Arson (Nice), Paris

Dominique Blais

Contemporary artist, Paris

Alain Bublex

Contemporary visual artist, Paris and Lyon

Imara Paternò Castello

Specialist and expert in visual arts (emerging artists) at Pro Helvetia, Zurich

Christophe Constantin

Contemporary artist, Rome

Marcelline Delbecq

Artist, photographer, writer, and art critic, Paris

Dominique Dirlewanger

Historian, member of the collaborative and participatory research-action unit ColLaboratoire at the University of Lausanne.

Camille Gabrielle Kaiser

Artist, Geneva

Anne Jean-Richard Largey

Art historian, director of Ferme Asile, Sion

Claire le Restif

Art historian, director of the Contemporary Art Center of Ivry Le Crédac

David Lemaire

Art historian, director and curator of the Musée des beaux-arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds

Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza

Contemporary artist, Paris

Gina Proenza

Contemporary artist, Lausanne

Virginie Rebetez

Artist-photographer, Lausanne

Laurence Schmidlin

Art historian, director of the Valais Art Museum, Sion

Sébastien Verdon

Contemporary artist, Lausanne and Neuchâtel

Shirin Yousefi

Contemporary artist, Lausanne

Bachelor in Sound Arts

Saâdane Afif

Artist, Berlin

Gérard Assayag

Researcher, IRCAM, Paris

Alexandra Bellon

Artist, Musician, Geneva

Lorenzo Benedetti

Art historian and curator, co-director of the Artists’ Research Laboratory at the Antonio Ratti Foundation, founder of the Sound Art Museum, Rome

Steve Beresford

Artist, Londres

Frédéric Bevilacqua

Researcher, IRCAM, Paris

Francesca Ceccherini

Artist, curator, initiator of the Zaira Oram collective and the OTO Museum, Zurich

Anne-Laure Chamboissier

Art historian and curator, Paris, Tours

Marcelline Delbecq

Artist, Paris

Orane Dourde

Musicologist, Neuchâtel

Max Eastley

Artist, musician, London

Claude-Alexandre Fournier

Professor at HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sion

Didier Grandjean

Professor at the University of Geneva, Neuroscience of Emotion and Affective Dynamics Group, Interfaculty Center for Affective Sciences

Bill Holden

Artist, Musician, La Chaux-de-Fonds

Camille Llobet

Artist, Sallanches, France

Augustin Maurs

Musician, composer, and artist, Berlin

Stéphanie-Aloysia Moretti

Director of the Montreux Jazz Artists Foundation

Gilbert Nouno

Artist, musician, director of the electroacoustic music center at the Haute Ecole de Musique Geneva

François Quintin

Director of the Collection Lambert, Avignon

Elisa Rusca

Director of collections and exhibitions at the International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Geneva

David Toop

Artist, London

Nelly Valsangiacomo

Professor at the University of Lausanne


Mohamed Abdelkarim

Artist and researcher, Cairo, Rotterdam, and Vienna

Noor Abuarafeh

Artist and researcher, Cairo and Rotterdam

Saâdane Afif

Artist, Berlin

Emanuele Braga

Artist, researcher, and activist, Milan

Bureau des guides du GR2013

Association of artist-walkers, Marseille

Anne-Laure Franchette

Artist and co-founder of Volumes, Zurich

Fucking Good Art (Robert Hamelijnck et Nienke Terpsma)

Artists and researchers, Rotterdam

Cecilia Guida

Art critic, author, and independent curator, Milan

Toni Hildebrandt

Art historian and researcher, Bern

Pauline Julier

Artist and filmmaker, Geneva

Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson

Artists, filmmakers, and researchers, Palermo and Paris

Janis Osolin

Head of the Furkablick Institute, Zurich, and Furka

Marina Rosenfeld

Composer, sound and visual artist, New York

Linda Sanchez/Baptiste Croze

Artists, Marseille

Aria Spinelli

Curator and researcher, Amsterdam

Evelyn Steiner

Architect and curator, Zurich